Legislation 2025
- 2025-038 (PDF, 17.1k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a purchase contract with Zoom Video Communications, Inc., as a Best Practical Source, for Zoom Licenses for the Virtual Court Project and County operations, for the period from 11/24/24 to 11/23/25, in an amount not to exceed $97,049.38, for the Executive’s Department of Public Safety and the Office of Information Technology, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-037 (PDF, 19.8k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a purchase contract with FairlawnGig, as a Best Practical Source, for high-speed internet service to support the virtual court project, for a one-year term, from 1/1/25 to 12/31/25, in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00, for the Office of Information Technology, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-036 (PDF, 16.9k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a renewal (second and final) of a professional service contract with AdvizeX Technologies LLC, for PureStorage Solution for SAN, for a one-year term, from 5/1/25 through 4/30/26, in an amount not to exceed $104,580.00, for the Office of Information Technology, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-035 EX A (PDF, 40.8k)
- 2025-035 (PDF, 15.5k) A Resolution appropriating carryover balances for various annual operating and capital funds for 2025, as set forth in Exhibit A, for the Executive’s Department of Finance and Budget, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-034 (PDF, 14.4k) A Resolution adopting the Capital Improvements Program for 2025-2030 for the County of Summit and appropriating funds as set forth in Exhibit A, for the balance of projects in the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan, for the Executive’s Department of Finance and Budget, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-033 EX A (PDF, 15.8k)
- 2025-033 (PDF, 16.8k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a lease renewal agreement with Summit and Medina Workforce Area Council of Governments for a portion of the 2nd floor located at 175. South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308, in Council District 4, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-032 (PDF, 18.7k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a grant agreement with Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation to provide funding for the implementation of the county-wide Unite Us data sharing platform, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 of Opioid Settlement Dollars, for the Executive, the Opiate Abatement Advisory Council and the Key Stakeholders Group, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-031 (PDF, 17.1k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a purchase contract with AVI-SPL, LLC, subject to the approval of the Information Technology Board, as Best Practical Source, for audio upgrades for the Public Safety Training Room, in an amount not to exceed $77,280.48, for the Executive’s Department of Public Safety, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-030 (PDF, 15.7k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to advertise for bids for a mobile response trailer for the Summit County Special Operations Response Teams and special events, for an estimated amount not to exceed $130,000.00, for the Executive’s Department of Public Safety, Emergency Management Agency and declaring and emergency.
- 2025-029 (PDF, 16.2k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Akron, subject to the approval of the Information Technology Board, for data hosting equipment and services for the computer-aided dispatch system, for the term of 1/1/25 through 12/31/25, in an amount not to exceed $156,000.00, with four options to renew for an additional one-year term, for the Executive’s Department of Public Safety, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-028 (PDF, 18.0k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a renewal (second of four) for a professional service contract with Oriana House, Inc. for community corrections services for a one-year term, from 1/1/25 through 12/31/25, in an amount not to exceed $9,490,655.40, with three options to renew for an additional one-year term, for the Executive’s Department of Public Safety, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-027 EX A (PDF, 53.7k)
- 2025-027 (PDF, 49.0k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute agreements between the Legal Defenders Office of Summit County, Ohio, Inc., and various Summit County Municipalities for payment of the unreimbursed portion of legal defender services for indigent persons, for a one-year term, for the period 1/1/25 through 12/31/25, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-026 (PDF, 18.5k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a professional service contract with Community Support Services for two part-time peer support specialists and one full-time case manager, to refer and link Hope Mental Health Court participants to community resources and provide case management services, from 10/1/24 through 9/30/25, in an amount not to exceed $124,645.00, for the Court of Common Pleas-General Division, Adult Probation, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-025 (PDF, 18.4k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a professional service contract with Sadler-NeCamp Financial Services, Inc. dba Proware, as a Best Practical Source, for case management system software support and maintenance services, for a one-year term, from 1/1/25 through 12/31/25, for an amount not to exceed $223,700.00 for the first year, with four options to renew for an additional one-year term, for a total cost not to exceed $1,203,510.00 for the five-year period, for the Court of Common Pleas-General Division, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-024 (PDF, 17.1k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a purchase contract with Bob Maxey Ford Inc. for five (5) 2025 Ford Explorer Police Interceptors AWD V6, in a total amount not to exceed $226,900.00, for the Sheriff, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-023 (PDF, 16.3k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a supplemental policing contract for the Sheriff’s Office, with the City of Green, for use of space, utilities and equipment, for the period 1/1/2024 through 12/31/2026, for the Executive and the Sheriff, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-022 (PDF, 17.3k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute any agreements, memorandums of understanding or other documents necessary to participate with the Village of Mogadore in applying for Ohio Public Works Commission grant funding for the Lincoln Avenue and Etter Road Infrastructure Improvement Project, located in the Village of Mogadore, in Council District 8, at a cost to the County not to exceed $75,000.00, for the Executive’s Department of Sanitary Sewer Services, and declaring and emergency.
- 2025-021 (PDF, 15.6k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a purchase contract with The Hannon Company, as a Best Practical Source, for the replacement of a pump at Pump Station No. 51, located in the City of Green, in Council District 8, in an amount not to exceed $99,751.00, for the Executive’s Department of Sanitary Sewer Services, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-020 (PDF, 19.9k) A Resolution declaring the Mudbrook Sanitary Emergency Repair Project to repair the Mudbrook sewer trunkline on Canyon Brook Drive, located in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, in Council District 3, an emergency pursuant to Section 177.07(a)(3) of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Summit, and confirming the award by the Board of Control of a construction contract with Wingfoot Rental & Development Co., for an emergency repair to the sewer trunkline, in an amount not to exceed $829,386.18, for the Executive’s Department of Sanitary Sewer Services, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-019 EX A (PDF, 18.8k)
- 2025-019 (PDF, 18.2k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a renewal (second of three) of a professional service contract with KE McCartney & Associates for design services related to the Surface Water Management District, for a one-year term, for the period 1/1/25 to 12/31/25, in amount not to exceed $100,000.00, for the Engineer, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-018 (PDF, 18.4k) A Resolution approving the salary adjustments for certain classified non-bargaining employees based upon job performance, increased responsibilities in their job duties and pay equity, for the Sheriff, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-017 EX A (PDF, 167.5k)
- 2025-017 (PDF, 14.3k) A Resolution appropriating funds in order to meet projected expenditures for the balance of 2025 as set forth in Exhibit A, for the Executive’s Department of Finance and Budget, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-016 (PDF, 20.4k) An amended Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control of a professional service contract with Oriana House, Inc., as a Best Practical Source, for two full-time case managers and one full-time recovery support specialist, to provide support and treatment services to Valor Court participants, for a one-year term, from 9/30/24 through 9/29/25, in an amount not to exceed $207,467.00 $140,212.00, for the Court of Common Pleas-General Division, Adult Probation, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-015 EX A (PDF, 134.0k)
- 2025-015 (PDF, 41.5k) A Resolution confirming the award by the Board of Control a professional service contract between the Legal Defenders Office of Summit County, Ohio, Inc. and the Summit County Public Defender Commission for legal defender services for indigent persons on behalf of the Summit County Public Defender Commission, for a one-year term, for the period 1/1/25 through 12/31/25, in an amount not to exceed $5,260,780.00, for the Executive and the Summit County Public Defender Commission, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-014 EX C (PDF, 258.7k)
- 2025-014 EX B (PDF, 60.8k)
- 2025-014 EX A (PDF, 170.5k)
- 2025-014 (PDF, 70.3k) A Resolution determining to proceed with submitting the question of the Issuance of Library Improvement Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $160,000,000.00 to the electors residing within the boundaries of Akron-Summit County Public Library, pursuant to Sections 133.18 and 3375.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-013 EX A (PDF, 20.5k)
- 2025-013 Amended (PDF, 65.7k) An amended Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a grant agreement with the Akron Marathon Charitable Corporation, in the amount of $35,000.00 per year, for a two-year period for a total amount of $70,000.00, for the Executive and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-012 EX A (PDF, 81.6k)
- 2025-012 (PDF, 15.3k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to advertise for bids for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation providers, for a one-year term, for an estimated total cost not to exceed $6,350,000.00, for the Executive’s Department of Job and Family Services, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-011 (PDF, 17.9k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a Subaward Agreement with Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities to continue the provision of additional services to Summit County Residents and continue one pilot program to assist older adults with aging in place, from 10/1/24 through 12/31/25, in a total amount not to exceed $3,200,000.00, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-010 (PDF, 18.9k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute amendments to grant agreements with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and the Summa Hospital Foundation to provide additional funding for the implementation of the county-wide Unite Us data sharing platform, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 per foundation, for a total amount not to exceed $200,000.00 of Opioid Settlement Dollars, for the Executive, the Opiate Abatement Advisory Council and the Key Stakeholders Group, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-009 (PDF, 70.5k) A Resolution declaring the month of February 2025 as Black History Month in Summit County, recognizing the incredible accomplishments made by Black Americans in the face of adversity, as well as acknowledging the challenges of the present, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-008 EX A (PDF, 34.7k)
- 2025-008 (PDF, 17.0k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a lease agreement with Torchbearers, an Ohio non-profit corporation, for educational and/or charitable use, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-007 (PDF, 16.6k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Control, to execute a Professional Services Agreement with The Greater Akron Chamber to provide economic development services, including but not limited to business attraction and retention, workforce growth, economic inclusion, and facilitation of economic development ecosystem initiatives, from 1/1/2025 through 12/31/2025 in a total amount not to exceed $110,000.00, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-006 (PDF, 16.4k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute a Grant Agreement with The Greater Akron Chamber Foundation (“GACF”), to provide a local funding match to the State of Ohio’s Innovation Hubs Program Grant for the Greater Akron Polymer Innovation Hub project, for a three-year term, from 1/1/2025 through 12/31/2027, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $750,000.00, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-005 EX A (PDF, 14.4k)
- 2025-005 (PDF, 16.5k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to execute an extension to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Akron for the boarding at the Summit County Jail of misdemeanor offenders charged under a City of Akron ordinance or charged with contempt of an Akron Municipal Court Judge, for a term of six-months, from January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $2,464,348.50, for the Executive, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-004 EX A (PDF, 64.1k)
- 2025-004 (PDF, 19.2k) A Resolution authorizing the Executive to advertise for bids and to enter into a cooperative agreement with Northfield Center Township concerning the Bayberry Drive Drainage and Roadway Improvements Project, at an estimated cost not to exceed $1,060,900.00, with no County funds involved, located in Northfield Center Township, in Council District 1, for the Executive and the Engineer, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-003 EX A (PDF, 127.7k)
- 2025-003 (PDF, 234.8k) A Resolution appropriating funds in order to meet projected expenditures for the balance of 2025 as set forth in Exhibit A, for the Executive’s Department of Finance and Budget, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-002 EX A (PDF, 90.1k)
- 2025-002 (PDF, 234.9k) A Resolution appropriating funds in order to meet projected expenditures for the balance of 2024 as set forth in Exhibit A, for the Executive’s Department of Finance and Budget, and declaring an emergency.
- 2025-001 (PDF, 239.3k) A Resolution approving a collective bargaining agreement between Ohio Council 8 and Local 1229 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (Common Pleas Court, Adult Probation Department Unit), and the Summit County Court of Common Pleas, General Division for the period of 10/1/24 through 9/30/27, for the Court of Common Pleas, General Division, and declaring an emergency.